Friday, December 4, 2015

Finals and "Holiday" Parties...

So, had my final project presentation for my programming class last night. It went really well. We had to use the skills we learned this semester to retrieve and analyze data. Patrick and I did our project on weekly fantasy football: we gathered the weekly player stats and then tried to make a winning team. It was a lot of fun and turned out great. The presentation went well, and the class and the professor loved it. We were worried our presentation wouldn't be long enough, but we didn't take into account that some people (like the professor) didn't even know what fantasy football was. Now all that's left to do is sit through another week of presentations (we were unlucky? or is that lucky? and got assigned the first week of presentations). And then of course there's the waiting for our grade...
Now only statistics remains...

Today was the "holiday" party for the business school's graduate programs.
Well first there was the text mining workshop. It easily wins best Friday Lab event of the semester. :)
Afterwards a few of us, myself and those who didn't want to brave Friday rush hour traffic in Atlanta, all hung out together, killing time until the party. Amanda had brought a set of poker chips, because Mia wanted to learn how to play. So the three of us, along with Aida and Myanka, played a few rounds. We went up to the party, but it was lame and the promised food hadn't arrived yet. After waiting for a bit, we dragged the rest of our classmates who were there (Chris, Lisa, and Jennifer) back down to our floor and played more poker. It won't surprise any of you from home that I didn't play, choosing instead to be the dealer. After about an hour of Texas Hold Em, we went back up to the party. The food had arrived, but wasn't set out yet. We waited, but it took half an hour for them to get it together. @_@ 
So the official party was a bust, but the "real party" was pretty awesome. Awesome enough for a blog post anyway. ;) I had a great time hanging out with everyone. 

Also: last night's Packers game!!! OMG!!! Down by twenty, then pulling out a win at the very end! 😵 A touchdown run in by Rodgers himself! And that final 61-yard Hail Mary! From Rodgers to Rodgers. I love the poetry of that quarterback-receiver pairing. It's just so fun to say. :) I bet the Lions are ready to kill the guy who caused the penalty that gave the Packers that extra play after time ran out... 

Anyway... Atlanta weather is fabulous! It was 70 degrees here on Black Friday! It's cooled down a little since then, but I'm loving the warmth! And definitely not missing having to bundle up!

Down to three classes left: stats on Monday, programming on Thursday, and then the stats final exam on the 14th. Still managed to have a ton of homework and studying to do though. :/

And then I get to go home for break!

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