Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August 29 - September 1

I spent the weekend on homework and research, so there's nothing to report there. Except that I kinda sorta broke up with my kinda sorta boyfriend. We'd only been on like six dates, and neither of us has the time for a long distance thing. So we decided that the mature thing to do was end it before it caused problems. On the one hand I'm sad that the relationship has ended, but on the other it's one less thing causing me stress. 

Yesterday (August 31):
I was too tired after everything that happened to do anything other than watch TV until I fell asleep. So here's what all happened:

Weekly meeting for my assistantship at 2. There were tech issues and it started late. Even after all my prep and research over the weekend I still feel really ... I decided today that the proper word is "lost". I just can't figure out how we're going to take this topic, which to be honest I still don't understand, and turn it into a semester-long project. And Dr. Javad keeps talking like it has the potential to last the entire length of our program. *sigh* Part of me wonders if I'd be better off taking to the GRA coordinator and seeing if I can switch projects...

Anyway that ran late, so I had to rush to the meeting with my group for the project for my database class. We talked and searched the Internet and came up with a tentative subject for our research paper. We may change it later, once we know a little more about the project, but for now it's just relieving to have that much done. 

Stats class after that was agonizing. It was so slow that I couldn't tell if the class participation questions were actual questions or rhetorical. @_@ The worst part came when after two and a half hours of the most remedial review, he jumped to a concept that none of us had ever heard of and his method of "explanation" was to repeat what the slides said. @_@ This is going to be an awful class. 

I went up to dinner after class. They switched caterers (or at least it appeared like they did), and they ran out of food. Completely. All that was left was soggy steamed broccoli and hard bread rolls. I, fortunately, was one of the first ones up, which meant I was one of the last people to actually get food. Chicken jambalaya pasta, yeah I know, it was as weird as it sounds. Plus the quality sucked. :/

Today's events started with a trip to the Apple Store at the mall to get my phone fixed. One of the guys I talked to called me his new bast friend because of the Legend of Zelda t-shirt I was wearing. The hour without my phone while they fixed it was agony. (A different kind of agony from class yesterday.) Unsurprisingly I'm one of those people who can't do anything without their smartphone. But now it's like new. So at least the waiting was worth it. ;) (Yes that's right, a girl alone at the mall, with Dad's credit card, and all I could think about was my lack of smartphone. I've certainly got my priorities straight, huh.)

I walked from the mall to campus, which was only like four blocks, but in the middle of the afternoon it was really hot. Worked on homework for a couple hours, then went up to dinner. Tonight they served us turkey in gravy and mashed potatoes. It was mediocre and really salty. :(

Database class tonight was good. The information was new and complicated, but McDonald went through it at the right pace. I'm still not sure if I like it or not, but while he lectures he walks through the classroom, like between the rows and such, and asks questions of us constantly. It's a little stressful not knowing when you're gonna get called on, but at least I know I'll remember those things. ;)

And I think that's everything, I'm a little exhausted so it's hard to tell. I suppose I can always post anything I may have forgotten tomorrow. 

Good night!

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