Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 4-8

Let's see, what all happened this weekend?

Well Friday was lab day, so I got to listen to some guest lectures. That was both nice and overwhelming; I didn't get half the stuff they talked about, which I guess is ok, since I'm still at the start of the program, but it was still stressful. :(

I spent the rest of the three day weekend working on homework and watching tv. 

There're two pieces of good news: 
Our final grades from that programming boot camp in August were posted. I got an A. Which wasn't too surprising as I only needed 50% on the final to get a B, but it's nice that that's finally done with. 

The second I believe falls into the category of "overdue nerdiness", as I haven't posted much of that lately. ;)
But I need to set the scene first. ;)
My favorite manga (Japanese comic) series is called D.Gray-Man. [It's also got an anime version that's really good too, so if you're more into watching than reading you can do that. ;) ] For those who don't know, in Japan manga chapters get published in monthly/weekly/etc. magazines and they can run for years. About four years years ago dgm (as Danica and Becky and I abbreviate it when we talk about it) got bumped from every other week to once a month, because of the author's health, and about a year later it went on hiatus for like six-months. I'd compare the feeling to when tv shows stop for the summer, but it's more like having to wait through a six month long commercial break. We were all happy when it started up again, but then in December 2012 it just stopped. In true Japanese fashion, the artist worked herself so hard that she ended up in the hospital, and for awhile there was real concern over whether or not she'd ever be able to draw again. Of course as sad as that is, all we really cared about was the cliffhanger she'd left us with. Anyway, long story short, I've spent the last two years pretending that the story didn't exist in order to not drive myself mad. But this weekend I found the next chapter!!!! It's only going to be published every three months now, which is sad, but it's ongoing again!!! The author has recovered and I'll finally get to find out what happens next!!!! I'm so excited!!! I mean even now, days later, I still get bouncy thinking about it!!!

And now back to more normal stuff. Today I met with my group for a research paper, and we made some progress. Of course we had issues with printing on campus, but why wouldn't that happen. @_@

Database management class tonight felt really long. But then it is a four hour long class. We reviewed last week and got through a bit of this week's lecture. Then after a break, we broke up into our project groups, for an activity. All but mine that is. @_@ The activity required six groups, and we were the seventh, so we got broken up and added to other groups. Anyway this activity, in our database management class: he gave each group a picture and we had fifteen minutes to write a story about the picture. 😑 I'm not complaining, I much prefer creative writing to academic writing, but what the heck does that have to do with computers?!? McDonald said it was something to do with creativity, but I don't really get the connection to database management. Anyway because I'm sure you're wondering: our story was about vampires in a hospital. 
Then we moved on to another group project, this one with our actual groups. This one was work though. We've been learning a diagramming method, and the project was to do that. It was really complicated, I slightly strained my wrist (the one I broke last year) with all that writing. That was not fun. It still aches a little. We took another break after that, but what was supposed to be ten minutes turned into over half an hour, McDonald can really talk when he gets going, which left us with only ten minutes left of class. So he talked a little more about the lecture, and by that I mean he clicked through the slides really quick and told us we could go. @_@


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