Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 9 and 10

Yesterday was spent on homework. I don't think I even remembered to eat dinner. :/

Today was a looooong day. -_-
First there was the career expo hosted by the college of business. I wish I'd taken pictures: the Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown Atlanta is gorgeous. The expo itself was ... crowded. There were a total of 95 companies there, and there were enough students there that there were lines at every booth. The lady at check-in was impressed I had my student ID number memorized (really? I know my sister's library card number, that's what I do). Of course the event went downhill from there. :(
I wasn't sure what to expect, so I walked around for twenty minutes just getting a feel for the event. I finally got in line at one of the booths (we got a list of what positions everyone was looking for), and I was in line for about a minute before the panic attack hit. -_- I retreated to the reception area, and it took me half an hour to calm myself down. *sigh* I suppose that's what I get for pushing myself too far out of my comfort zone. I debated going back in, but I was too much of a mess to make a good impression. I bumped into Mari and Lisa on my way out and talked to them a little, that helped a lot, just to be able to tell someone what had happened. 

I went up to the buckhead campus after that, I had homework to do before class and it didn't make sense to go all the way home. Anyway the reason I'm mentioning this: I realized as I was sitting there that what I had experienced earlier wasn't a nasty panic attack- it was a minor panic attack that triggered an asthma attack; it was the combination of the two that was nasty. (I hate asthma attacks- by my calculations it's eight hours later and I'm still feeling the after effects. >_< ) Also talking to my classmates this evening, I no longer feel bad about missing out: those who went said they felt like it was really geared towards the undergrads, and those who didn't go said that our graduation date is still too far out for it to have been worth it. So I figure I got the panic out of my system, so that next time when it actually matters I'll be ok. (In theory anyway, guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.)

I realized at dinner tonight that I forgot to write about dinner on Tuesday. If you recall, last week there were lots of issues with the catering. This week they switched back to the company from the first week. Which is both good and bad news for me. This company labels their food as vegetarian and vegan. Which is fantastic: I can't eat dairy products, and vegan is non-dairy. But it's depressing when it turns out that all you can eat in the line of food is peas and gravy-smothered chicken (I wasn't going anywhere the cauliflower and kale quinoa-like thing). *sigh* :(

Programming class was long. I'm not sure if it was long because I was already exhausted, or if it was because I felt like the material was too easy. Next week will be interesting: I came home to an email from the professor; some of the other students were complaining that he was going too slow, so next week we're going to start class with a vote on whether or not we want him to speed up. I hope we don't. All the other classes we have are hard, I enjoy the more relaxed pace of this class; it's helpful for my sanity. (Yes sanity is overrated, but I'd like to at least have a little of it!)

Tomorrow's gonna be another long day and I've already been up way too long today. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! That sounds lousy. I agree with your classmates that missing the expo is no biggie. Even after I graduated they were never much help for me. Especially if they are crowded.
