Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 26

I wasn't feeling well last night, so I went to bed early and forgot to post. 

No class on Wednesdays, so not much happened. I did have "orientation" for my research assistantship though. It was kinda boring. I did get to learn a little about the project I'll be working on, and I "met" the faculty member in charge and the other GRA's. "Met" is really the wrong word though, as the faculty adviser is Dr. Javad, and all the other GRA's are from my program; I'll be working with Timi, who is from Nigeria, and one of the guys from India- his name escapes me at the moment. :/ 

After Dr. Javad was done talking about the project, he left. And the three of us talked for a bit and reached the consensus that we're all at interested enough in the project to be able to work on it, but it was not what we were expecting. It seems like it's going to be research heavy, while we all were hoping for more practical application. But ... the Indian guy seems confident that we'll be able to push the project more in the direction we want it to go. 

After the meeting was over, I went upstairs for dinner. The lounge was completely empty. It was a drastic change from the previous days when there was no free seating at all. But I wasn't alone for long, one of the other GRA's came up once her group was done talking. So I had Korean noodles and sushi (which was only ok- it reminds me of what gets served at the Mukogawa farewell dinners) with Aida. She's from Honduras. We've talked a few times before, she's one of the dozen-ish students, like me, who are always at class half an hour early. In fact before the GRA meeting she, Harini, and I got a chance to talk with Susan (one of the three second year students). 

And that's all that happened yesterday. I'll try to remember to post tonight, but I'm not making any promises. ;)

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