Monday, August 3, 2015

Day Five!

Well the first day of classes is over and done with.

But not really. Technically the first day of classes is the 24th. Today marked the first day of my program's two week intensive programming "boot camp". There were about 60 students in the class: half from my Anaytics program and half from the Risk Management program (with a few students from other misc. programs). From where I was sitting, and therefore as far as I could see, I was the only white girl in the class. Having come from the very white Ellensburg, where I did my undergrad, that was definitely weird.  Not a bad weird, just different.

Dr. Bauer, the professor, is German; he doesn't have much of an accent, but you could definitely hear it in certain words: he often pronounced "java" as "yava".  He was fun to listen to and reminded me a lot of Brian back home. The three hours of class went really slow. And no one said much of anything, we all just sat there and listened to the professor talk.

After class it took me FIVE hours to get the homework done. We had to write the same program in five different programming languages: C, C++, Java, Python, and Visual Basic. That was a pain in the @ss. Fortunately the assignment will be graded on completeness and not on elegance.

The other adventure of the day:
My uncle took me to Bojangles for lunch. (For those who don't know, it's a fast food chain similar to KFC; we don't have any up in the Pacific Northwest.) I was the only white girl in that room too. The food was good: best coleslaw I've ever had, and their seasoned fries were really good.

I'm off to bed now. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember to take pictures.

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