Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day Eight

Stupid blog editor just crashed and erased my almost finished post. @_@

Today's homework only took three hours. I wasn't as perfectionist about it as I have been though, so hopefully my grade will still be ok. 
I spent the rest of the evening watching Netflix and enjoying having some free time. 

But that's the end of the day, let's go back to the beginning:

Class today was easier and therefore more boring. But I did meet Alex and Ben (the guys I sit next to) during the break. They're in my cohort so I'll be seeing a lot more of them. [For those who don't know: the college of business at GSU is really into the cohort experience. Basically what it means is that everyone in the same program takes all the same classes together. So I'll be classmates with the same 24ish people for all my classes for the next year and a half.]

Dr. Bauer ended class early today. And by "early" I of course mean "on time" as he has a tendency to run half an hour long. They took the baby off the breathing tube during class, so he rushed right over to the hospital when we were done. 

Because we got out early, I wandered around Buckhead a little. Here are some pics of the building I'm in and the park across from it:

There's a shopping center just two blocks away from the building. What I should have done is go shopping for another sweatshirt. The A/C is cranked up so high indoors that I've been wearing jeans and haven't taken off the lone sweatshirt I brought.

Uncle Nick took me to Captain D's Seafood Kitchen for lunch (yet another chain we don't have in Spokane). The food was good. I had my first hush puppies (they literally came with every item on the menu). It was weird though: my dad's brother reminds me a lot of my dad, except that he likes all those foods my dad can't stand: of which seafood is a major one. 

It had been grey and cloudy (and very humid) all morning, and while we were eating the thunderstorm hit. It POURED for almost half an hour and then abruptly stopped. It was the kind of pouring where I got soaked walking the five feet to the car. (I have video, but I haven't watched it yet. Maybe I'll post it once I do.) << The lightning started again about fifteen minutes ago, and as of five minutes ago I can hear the rain just pounding on the roof. 

Which leads back to homework and the evening. I'm headed to bed half an hour early tonight, ah the simple pleasures. 

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